When Your New Idea Saves Time, Your In

Both users and investors are going to ask if it saves time. In today’s society, both investors and consumers wish for everything, and they want it now, with the fast-paced society having everything ready for them in an instant at the touch of a button.

With so many distractions, attention span has shortened, which has left people with a need to have everything they need right then and there, leaving them more time to do the things they enjoy in life.

If your product is not efficient, then chances are people won’t want it, and investors won’t invest in it, ultimately causing your product to fail because you didn’t evaluate the critical question, does it save time?

If It Saves Time, It Adds Value

Ultimately, you want to add value when creating a new service or product. If it does not add value or build on existing creations, there is no need for your product or service. The quickest way to add value that your investor and consumer can appreciate is saving the user time.

Does it save time? If it does, then excellent; you instantly create value around your product or service. Consumers will appreciate your product or services more, leading to either more sales or sales retention.

Unfortunately, many growth-focused companies will overlook value creation. They will avert their focus by meeting sales targets and rapidly growing their business, service, or product instead of focusing on critical values, such as saving time for your customers.

By rapidly adding value and saving your customer time, this shows quick results making the customer more likely to be a return customer. It also reassures investors as it indicates a need for your product or service, and the fact it saves time highlights the fact that there is a gap in the market for your service or product that saves time for your end-user.

Learn more about Greenlit Ideas here.

Why Do Investors See Value in A Product or Service That Saves Time?

Investors see value in products or services, which saves time for the end-user due to the simple fact it shows there is a market gap to fill, and they know people will jump at the opportunity to claw back some time in their day, however short.

This empathy for users’ time will show investors that they can feel safe by investing in your business, service, or product. The more reassured and safer an investor feels, the more likely they will support a much more significant amount of capital in your business, service offering, or product.

By asking yourself if it saves time, you can quickly establish whether your product will be worthwhile for investors. If not, you can protect yourself from the time and bother by wasting your attempts at luring in investors. Equally, it can be a crucial focus to try and obtain more investments by gearing your product or service towards saving time for the end-user.

What are other competitors doing, and can you save your end-user more time than them? Saving time can then become a key selling and talking point to investors.

Source 1: https://www.pipedrive.com/en/blog/value-creation-sales-success
Source 2: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/the-value-of-value-creation

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